Since we last posted, life has become quite a bit busier as we have begun to learn what a responsibility it is to care for a child. The fullness of the calling to be a parent is exactly that: full. The things that we receive, the joy and awe, are complete; meanwhile, the things that we lack, little things like SLEEP . . . we lack entirely.
But this is the best tired we've ever felt.
Oliver is healthy and our family is becoming more and more united in Christ's love. We were even so blessed to have Caleb's mom and brother (Karen & Jason) come visit! It was a time of rejuvenation after our exhausting hospital experience and it couldn't have been more fun. Jason got to taste the city of his birth - yes, we ate several kebaps and made sure to buy gelato on every corner - and Karen was able to lavish her love on her first grandbaby!
Karen & Britney at Schönbrunn Palace
Jason showing off his new uncle skills!
The boys at Schönbrunn Palace
Oliver and his Omi
Newness and wonder saturated our days as we toured the sights and laughed together in a completely unique context; two years ago, nobody could have guessed that we would be living in Vienna, raising our newborn son, and serving God in ministry to the international community here.
Still, when God began stirring our hearts and getting us ready to move here last year, we were certain he was guiding us. He has been and always will.
Therefore, we are praying earnestly and asking that all of you would too. The time is coming quickly for us to decide if we are going to stay in Vienna a few more years, or move back to the United States. Although we are certain that the Lord will soon start showing us his big ideas and direction for our life, we are, for now, in the dark.
So, we are praying for the light to make things clear. Specifically, we are praying for these things and we ask that you would too: that God might reveal his will through . . .
- increasing or decreasing our support / finances
- the advice and support of our closest family and friends
- peace towards our current context of ministry, or towards a new one
- his distinct voice in our times of solitude and silence with him
We anticipate God's illuminating guidance and we will keep you in the loop as we are led by him.
Caleb & Britney & Oliver!