Sunday, November 16, 2014

We Lift Up One Voice

The night started as all extra-curricular events do: late. Students were exploring the building, which was by now free of any academic aftertaste, and cookie crumbs were spilling all over the carpet. The place was ripe for music - but not just any kind of music. What was to come would be focused; all the voices in the room would soon join together in singing to and with and for and because of a person.

The Person.

Slowly, the nearly-all-student team of musicians gathered around the front of what we at ICSV like to call the AP Room. The All-Purpose Room is used for, you guessed it, anything and everything. Last Wednesday, it transformed, as it so often does, from an empty space into a holy place.

Students from all over the world settled in for an evening of worshiping God; there were teenagers from all over the spectrum: 13-year-olds and high school seniors, Koreans and Canadians, those close to their Father and those wandering and wondering. Muslim students were there and kids who don't know if God even cares . . .

. . . we were all awed and humbled by how much he really does care.

Throughout the night, students worshiped through song, prayer, and testimony. Two students shared from the depths of their experiences how good God is. It was glorious and beautiful to be a part of the fellowship. When we got back home, Ollie sleeping contentedly in his stroller, we looked at each other. It's nights like that which make ministry at ICSV so unique and fulfilling.

Hopefully, we could share a bit of what it was like that night with this post. Please pray that students would feel the impact of God's love throughout the coming days, even when the lights all turn back on and the homework starts piling.

Caleb & Britney & Ollie!