It's time for updates - family, ministry, updates of all kinds.
Let's go with the most recent first: Today, Caleb turned in an application to pursue a Masters degree at the University of Vienna! Since graduating from college, he has anticipated going back to school, but hasn't been sure when to start. Now that Ollie is here, it feels like things need to get moving before anyone gets any older and any other kids start showing up (ps: this is not a pregnancy announcement in disguise). Please be praying that God will direct this new adventure. It isn't even certain yet whether or not Caleb will even be accepted, so prayers can start there!
In another realm, more prayers against sickness in our family would be a huge blessing. God is so good to us and we have experienced his provision day in and day out while living in Vienna. Still, the evil one is not lazy; for about six weeks we have dealt with illness in our family and it's been stressful. This week, Caleb was supposed to be on a missions trip to Romania with the students. However, Oliver has a bad cough, so Caleb decided to stay at home. It's been a good decision so far - Ollie is still coughing and, while he has beaten his fever and is growing healthier, his sleep has been hurting . . . which means our sleep has been hurting too.
Finally, as the summer draws closer and students begin begging to have class outside, more prayers for the Spirit of God to move in the classrooms at ICSV are coveted. It's incredible to learn later how much impact one can have on a student. Please be praying for positive, gospel-centered influence to move through Caleb and Britney to the students (by the way, yes, Britney is once again involved in the school: she is planning the prom dance with the junior class!)
Hopefully this post finds you well and at peace in God's goodness. We love you and are so thankful for your prayers and financial support.
Caleb & Britney & Oliver!