We are sincerely sorry for this long break between posts! We don't even know . . .
Anyway, thanks for checking back in with us. Lots has happened in the two-ish weeks since we last posted and we'll try our best to cram it all in, right now.
First, check out a blog kept up regularly by our dear friends, Andie and Garrett Rea. They recently posted on what they've learned as twenty-somethings. Through that, they inspired us to share a couple things that we've learned since being here in Vienna:
- Receive humbly. Since becoming missionaries, we have been given so, so much by so many. It's been a huge learning and re-learning experience; like most people, we've got a sense of independency that borders on idolatry of self. Okay, it doesn't even border, it dwells there. Receiving so much love from others has been humbling and it's taught us that we should simply receive with joyful and grateful hearts.
- Give lavishly. The second step is to give in response to how we've been given. Others have loved us entirely more than we could have expected. God has loved us more than we could ever deserve. Let us give.
So, that's what we've learned. Let us know what any of you have learned as twenty-somethings, thirty-somethings, sixty-somethings . . .
Along with learning, we've also been laughing. Christmas is GORGEOUS HERE!! See evidence below.
We've been roaming the streets, staring at the lights, and collecting Christmas trinkets. We've attended a Before After-Christmas-Party Party and we've hosted our very own Christmas Party for the 10th grade class. This was such a blessing, to get to have the students over and show them love. It's exactly how we prayed God would use us. Please pray for more opportunities to serve the students in our home.
Finally, we also ask for prayer for joy and peace this Christmas. We're really excited to spend it together and lots of surprises are in store . . . but we still miss home and family. Please be praying for us this season. We are praying for you, dear friends, that you will also experience the joy that is God come down as one of us, to redeem us.
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