If you haven't heard, it is important for us to let you know that Britney is okay, but she is in the hospital because she fell and hit her head. There are a lot of ways to tell this story and maybe there will be another more joyful, less blatantly factual, more humorous post in the future. Right now even, some of the memories are pretty funny.
However, it seems best to keep it short (and sweet, praise God!) for the time being.
Yesterday (Saturday) we went to the mall, planning to go directly from there to a birthday party for our friends' daughter. We split up to do some shopping, but during the time we were apart, Britney's blood sugar got low and she fainted. She hit her head quite hard and got a concussion as a result. At first, it was a little scary because she exhibited some short term memory loss. Now though, she is doing much better, remembers everything, even the moments up until the fall.
At the mall, the security guards called the ambulance and Britney had a moment to call Caleb (another blessing from God that he gave her that thought!) who ran and found her.
She has been at the hospital for the past 27 hours or so and (another blessing!) Caleb has been able to stay with her the entire time, except for when he runs back to the apartment to get clean clothes or write up blog posts.
We don't have easy Internet access at the hospital, so hopefully this blog post will suffice for communication right now.
The main gist is, God is good. Britney is smiling, alert, and doing well. She is still uncomfortable, though, and the doctors are keeping her overnight again tonight. Also, very important, the baby is doing okay, as far as we know. We still haven't received any kind of scans or ultra sounds, so we are a little nervous, despite the doc's reassurances.
Please pray for:
- Britney to regain total health
- the baby to be completely okay
- peace to reign in the hospital today, tonight, and tomorrow
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Caleb & Britney (& Baby!)
Praying for you all!