Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Facts - and God's Provision

Hello Friends!

Things are going very well here in Vienna! Quick updates:

  • Caleb was blessed to play bass during worship at his childhood church, the Christliche Internationale Gemeinde (CIG).
  • Britney has been getting to know the elementary students that she will be working with throughout this year. She is also still a part of a bible study here and she has been extremely encouraged through fellowship and digging into the Word with that group of women.
  • Both of us have spent time with dear people here who care about us so much and have shown that through prayer, taking us out to dinner, and just spending time with us.
  • We each have been so encouraged by your prayers and by the efforts you have taken to go out of your way and let us know you think of us and pray for us!
  • A student told Caleb the other day that he wanted to grow up and be an ICSV teacher, so he could, "Help students like Mr. Dossett does!"

We are amazed at the Father's quick and steady hands that continue to catch us, when our stumbles are small as well as when our falls are long and hard.

In recognizing this, we have a need to share with all of you that we ask that you would be praying about. Through setting up a budget and talking with the financial manager at the school, we are realizing that we need to raise more support in order to meet all of our needs in ministry. Also, when we went to get our Visas, the authorities told us that we need to be making more money in order to stay. For us, as missionaries, this means raising more support.

This is hard news . . . raising support is difficult when we are in the same country as our team; now, it's even harder. Still, we trust in the incredible promises: God works everything to the good for those who love him and who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28) and he will meet even our very basic needs (Matthew 6:19-34).

Our desire is to continually expose ourselves as the simple, earthen vessels that we are and Jesus as the king that he is. Though we have moments of panic, we choose to go to the Father, in faith. Your prayers are the crutches with which we shuffle to him.

Many of you are supporting us financially and many through prayer (many through both!). Below we want to share with you our basic budget, so you know exactly what it is we are looking for. Please be praying that God would set it in the hearts of others to join us in ministry by giving financially. Please be praying that IF IT IS GOD'S WILL, he would set it in your hearts. 

We are so thankful to those of you that are already supporting us financially. You are a dear, dear part of the service we can offer to the students at ICSV here in Vienna. You are vital to the ministry.

Thank you.

If you have any questions or want to contact us about anything, please email us at:

Current Support

approx. $2,000 per month

Bills per Month

Bank Fees
Student Loans
Renter's Insurance                        
Medical Insurance*

Set-up Costs (owe ICSV)


USA Travel**


Additional Support Needed

approx. $1,345.00 per month

*We will hopefully receive our Visas soon, which will allow us to receive Austrian health care. Right now, Caleb has health care through his parent's insurance, so we only need to pay for Britney. So, this cost will disappear when we get our Visas because Austrian insurance is essentially free.

**We hope to return to the States in the summer to see friends and family and visit supporters, so we are saving for this monthly.

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