The following is a conversation between Caleb and one of the students in his class during a time of free-study and homework-doing. The identity of the student will not be shared. The awesomeness of God is going to be told about out the wazoo.
Student: Mr. Dossett, you're a Christian, right?
Caleb: Yes, I am!
Student: Can I ask you some questions about the Bible?
Cue ecstatic inner jubilee.
That's about how it went a few days ago when Caleb had the opportunity to share a little bit about the Word of God and his faith. It was a brilliant time (we've been making some friends with some delightful British people here and it's affecting our speech) of learning for both Caleb and the student! The questions that were raised came from a perspective that was totally new to the Bible; this, of course, made for some enriching discussion about the Trinity, why Jesus told his followers to stay in Jerusalem (after his brutal execution!!) and the presence and power of God. What was especially cool about this experience was that the student was so eager to learn - what was especially, especially cool was that there was such freedom in conversation!
And that's why we are here at this outspokenly Christian school. We are here to provide enriching, excellent education, while being able to minister to students and live lives that are filled with the contagious light of Christ.
Please be praying for more conversations like this to take place.
Also, please be praying for certain students in Caleb's classes that are struggling a lot with learning English and making friends.
Thank you for your prayers!
Caleb & Britney
Awesome story, guys! I know the feeling so well! I am really starting to believe that God had us at Greenville for 4 years to prepare and train so that when we go out to the much more obvious "fields," though I would argue that Greenville is one as well, though it's much less obvious to see, we would be so well equipped to share his love and to do it in a non-threatening, answering "for the hope that is in you" sort of way. I can't wait until we are together again to share a drink and spend hours sharing stories. I love you guys.