A couple of cool stories of God's glorious nearness in the lives of his children - to be told in order of occurrence . . .
. . . it costs money to take the train. Sad, but true. Hence, the dilemma: at the train station, sitting on a bench, pondering the likelihood of getting cornered by a Schaffner - a ticket inspector. They don't come by every time . . . will it be a burly, ferocious Austrian man with a frown for a face? Can I weasel my way out of a fine with the "American tourist" persona?
You don't know the true depths of your depravity until you find yourself gauging the cost/benefit of purchasing a train ticket.
Shamefully enough, that's exactly where Caleb found himself this afternoon, on the way home to Vienna from Tulln. After muddling through the ticket ATM (is that what we call those??) a few days back, Caleb purchased a week ticket . . . for the wrong week. So, he sat on the bench in Tulln earlier today. And he prayed.
And here's the reason we are sharing this story: in the midst of great fear over Oliver and great stress, God has not left us alone. He is present with us, even in the little things, like buying a train ticket. After praying, Caleb was reminded of what Jesus said once, "Give to the ÖBB what is the ÖBB's" (or something along those lines). Thus, with great reluctance, but certain of the Spirit's guiding hand, he bought yet another ticket to cover the trip home. At this point, he did this purely because he felt the Spirit saying it was the right thing to do.
When the Schaffner came by, Caleb realized that it was that and more. Paying fines for riding black is not part of the budget we have written up. God knows that, of course, as he is the Great Provider. He kept us from experiencing more stress than we need - he speaks to us and guides us.
. . . and here's the second story: Oliver is healed.
The doctors came to Britney only a short time after Caleb shared the story of the ticket with her. They told her that the blood results came back and the infection he had is now gone. He still needs to stay in the hospital and finish out the antibiotics, but he is healthy.
Our Lord is with us in the ordinary. He is with us in the unbearable struggle.
He is with you.
Thank you all for your prayers,
Caleb & Britney & Oliver
Blessings to you three! I can only imagine how stressful this has been for you all, in Austria, as new parents. So relieved to hear the good news of Oliver's health! Praying for you all, love in Jesus! - Kristen (Long) Beichler