Dear Friends,
As some of you may know, this past Wednesday was Oliver's due date!!
. . . however, as some of you may know, our little boy is still chillin' in the womb. It's been a full three weeks or so since the last surprise hospital visit we took when Britney was having contractions. At the time, we thought we were going to meet the little guy sooner than anticipated; instead, we've learned, as they say, "the hard way".
We've learned that pregnancy doesn't necessarily rise to a water-breaking climax - at least, as in our case, not before multiple false starts. This kid can really cry wolf.
It started all over again last night when Britney started complaining of a headache. She rarely deals with headaches and has no history of migraines. So, after two and a half hours of brain-shattering pain, we started doing some research. According to the omniscient Google, headaches in the late stages of pregnancy can possibly indicate pre-eclampsia.
After praying and reading, we decided to call our dear friends, Brad and Stacey Hunter. Brad came by, picked us up (this was at midnight!) and took us to the hospital, where the staff took really good care of Britney (and Oliver).
We stayed overnight, against Britney's wishes, and she underwent several tests / blood-work to make sure there wasn't any danger of pre-eclampsia, or anything else.
The doctors and midwives at the BabyVilla in Klosterneuburg are so hospitable and joyful. Although we didn't want to be at the hospital for anything other than a birth, their care made the experience quite comfortable.
Now, we are back home, praying that the big headaches will stay away . . . and that our little headache will get here ASAP.
Caleb & Britney & Oliver!
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