It has been really important to us to find a church here in Vienna. In Greenville we found a church that we loved. We looked forward to worshipping there every week. The sense of community was so powerful. This made us have pretty high expectations for our Vienna church, but as always, God didn't disappoint. For the first month or so we were attending two churches every Sunday because we really loved both of them. However, we felt like in order to really get involved and become part of the community, we needed to pick one church (but we still plan on visiting the other church every now and then).
Our new church is called New City Wien. It is a small church that was started by missionaries about 6 years ago. The service is in English and German, which is a pretty cool experience, especially for Britney. Caleb has been able to help lead worship there for the past few weeks, which has been a great blessing to him. We love the people at this church. Every week after the service we come together to share a meal, and it is wonderful. We are so thankful for this place that we can go to worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
This past weekend our church went to an Apfelhof to pick apples and have a picnic. It was a great time getting to know our church community better, and the weather was beautiful! Below are some pictures of the day (we were babysitting for some friends that day so their daughter Kailyn is in a lot of the pictures).
Thank you for your continued prayer and support. It does not go unrecognized!
Caleb & Britney
Going on the hayride!
Picking potatoes to eat for lunch
Making fresh apple cider (so delicious!!)
Delicious apples!

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