Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Few Updates and the Downlow

Things are going great for us here in Vienna! It's hard to think of ways to update everyone, but we have a few things to share. We have been very busy with school, church, soccer (for Caleb), bible studies, and just everyday life. 

Today the Korean Ambassador came to visit our school! The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders welcomed him by singing Jesus Loves Me in Korean. 

(Thanks to T.S. for the picture!)

Britney really wants to learn German, but classes are quite expensive. One day she was working in the Elementary German room, and she decided to stay and listen. The teacher said she could come everyday, so Britney has been going to beginner German classes with 2nd and 3rd graders. It may seem silly to be in an elementary German class, but she really loves it. Right now she learns about 4 words a day. Within the next week or so she will start with sentences. 

Here are some words she has learned (all from memory, no cheating!) 

Messer - knife

Saft - juice
Salz - salt
Salbe - ointment 
Arm - arm 
Ameise - ant 
Sessel - chair
Sonne - sun
Sommer - summer
Ananas - pineapple
Engel - angel
Eltern - parents

All of the 2nd and 3rd graders love having Britney in their class. They always want to be her partner and yesterday a cute little 2nd grade boy told her "You are sooo smart!" 

Britney has also been working in the classrooms more. She has a set schedule everyday in which she goes to different classes to help teachers. Sometimes she works one on one with students to help them with math, writing, or another subject. It has been really great for her to work with the kids more. 

Here are some cute pictures from Britney's recess duty: 

Caleb is having a great time coaching JV soccer for high school. This Saturday they have a tournament in Budapest! He has also been asked to lead worship at our church this Sunday, which he would like prayer for. 

We are still waiting for our visas, so please pray that we will get them soon. 

Please continue to pray for financial support to come in. 

Thank you for your prayers and support.


Caleb & Britney


  1. I'm happy to hear this good news you guys. Sorry we haven't talked lately. Britney, what is the word again for "ant"? I need to say that to someone today!
    Hope worship was a great community experience last Sunday and you learned from it.
    Love you both!

    1. The word for ant is ameise! Hope you guys are doing well. I heard you're going to visit Davis this weekend. That will be fun I'm sure. We sure do miss you guys!
